National Public Radio (NPR) Investigation Finds Hidden Epidemic of Sexual Assault

NPR launched a radio series on January 8th, detailing its investigation on a silent epidemic occurring across America. The audio episodes share stories of victims of abuse and crime and highlight startling statistics such as the fact that people with intellectual disabilities are sexually assaulted at a rate that\’s seven times that of people without disabilities.

To listen to the introductory discussion on NPR, click the link below:

To listen or read transcripts from the complete investigative series, visit the NPR website.

The NPR investigation examines an important reality for people with intellectual disabilities. It also discusses the fact that many of these incidents occur and are kept silent by the victims. As a result, no proper investigation is conducted so those individuals who commit these crimes are brought to justice. Community Ventures Society (CVS) fully supports the investigative series and the message that these criminal acts need to stop and that the silence must be broken.