604-939-8070 2322 St. John's Street, Port Moody, V3H 2A9

Leadership at CVS

The CVS senior management team helps to guide the direction of Community Ventures Society. Each of us brings a unique set of experience and knowledge to our respective roles at CVS. Our aim as a senior management team is to build opportunities across the organization to deliver on our 3 strategic commitments of: (1) Being the agency of choice in the community living sector; (2) Being an employer of choice in the Tri-Cities; and (3) Promoting inclusion in the wider community.

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Linda King

Executive Director

Linda has a wealth of knowledge of the Community Living sector & CVS, with nearly 30 years of experience.  Linda obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology with a Minor in Sociology through Simon Fraser University. Before being promoted to the role of Executive Director, Linda was the Senior Director of Operations at CVS for many years. In addition to these roles, Linda has also served in the capacity of Adult Services Manager, Program Coordinator and front line staff.  She is a strong advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities and is well respected by staff and in the community. Linda can be contacted at 604.939.8070 or by email at [email protected].

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Pete Stone

Director of HR & QUality Assurance

Pete has over 28 years of experience in the Community Living sector and over 10 years experience in Human Resources. Pete has obtained his Certified Human Resources Professional Designation (CHRP). At CVS, Pete is tasked with supporting, leading and inspiring our staff to be a dedicated team focused on quality service and excellence. Pete’s quality assurance activities include accreditation, outcomes reporting and assessing quality of life for the people we serve. Pete also leads CVS with human resources activities such as recruitment, safety, organizational development and labour relations. You can contact Pete at 604.939.8070 ext. 2027 or by email at [email protected]

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Melda Okucu

Director of Finance & Business Management

Melda has over 20 years of international experience in tax consulting & compliance, audit and finance in public accounting and consulting firms. She has worked in Canada, Switzerland, Romania and Turkey as the global lead at a senior management level, managing major global accounts related to tax and HR programs. Melda has also volunteered as Treasurer and Chair in the School District 43 PAC’s. Melda holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and Accounting and worked on Graduate studies in Finance and Law. Melda has also completed the Executive Leadership Programme at the University of Oxford, Saïd Business School. Melda has also obtained her Chartered Professional in Human Resources Designation (CPHR) by completing the Simon Fraser University, Human Resources Management program. You can contact Melda at 604.939.8070 Ext 2021 or by email at [email protected].

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Miriam Hoolahan

Director of Marketing & Communications

Miriam has over 20 years experience in communications and marketing.  Miriam obtained her Honours Bachelor of Business Administration with a focus in Marketing from Wilfrid Laurier University, her Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing and completed her Masters of Science of Strategic Marketing from The University of Winchester, graduating with a Distinction. Most recently, Miriam has trained as a Prosci Certified Change Management Practitioner.

Miriam manages CVS’ external and internal communications (including social media), member relations, fundraising, marketing of our enterprises and oversight of our web-based information systems. You can contact Miriam at 778.886.7352 or by email at [email protected]

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Alex Moynham

Director of Operations

Alex comes to CVS with a diversity of experience. Alex has developed person centred programs and supports for individuals in areas of Residential, CI, Respite and Shared Living. She is successful in agency stewardship with community partners of WorkBC, various Colleges, CBI/PBS, WorkSafe BC, CARF, Self advocacy, labor relations with union groups, Parent/families and CLBC. Alex is excited to work with the dynamic teams and individuals at CVS and build new relationships. You can contact Alex at 604.939.8070 Ext 2020 or by email at [email protected].