BC Government Says Call Wait Times to Improve for Disability Assistance

In April, the BC government announced that it is promising improvements after an investigation found call wait times for income and disability assistance to be “chronically slow.”

The investigation by B.C.’s ombudsperson, Jay Chalke, was launched last year following a number of complaints about long wait times, disconnected calls and call time limits when trying to communicate with the ministry by phone.

Shane Simpson, the Minister in charge, noted that they will be acting on six of the nine recommendations. They are only acting on six due to lack of resources. Some of the recommendations include reporting average wait times. It also suggests the ministry phase out the Tier 1 call-sweeping strategy, designed to shorten call wait times but ended up reducing service quality too. One of the recommendations that will be placed on hold, for now, is increasing full-time staff from 183 to 220 people.

For more information, check out the original Global News article.