BC\’s Re-Start Plan

Like many of us, we are sure you were excited to hear the BC Restart plan announced by the provincial government this past week. In light of this announcement, CVS is currently assessing the information, consulting with like-minded organizations on reopening. We have been working hard over the past few months to brainstorm how a reopening plan would look for CVS.

















In the weeks ahead, we plan to begin the process of talking with families. Reopening will likely change staffing ratios but we want to have discussions with families for what they need moving forward and then we will fold that into the plans.

Just as the provincial government noted, the reopening plans will be data vs date dependent. CVS will follow the lead from the guidance of the Provincial Health Officer.

Once again the safety of the individuals we serve, staff and families is paramount. We want to express our thanks to all of our stakeholders for your patience and support during this challenging past year.

Stay tuned for more information as it unflods…