\’Dignity Matters\’ Message is Strong in Langley

Langley School District staff and students gathered on November 23rd at Walnut Grove Secondary School (WGSS) to celebrate something important to us all – diversity with dignity.

Langley Human Dignity Coalition, promoted the coalition’s mission to promote, protect, and advance the principles of human dignity, equality, and inclusion in the community.

Coalition chair Julie Clayton, said the concept “dignity matters” is a key initiative of the coalition. Additionally, she noted that the Coalition wants \”to push that message out to every part of the community.\”

Among the coalition’s visions are that youth are safe from bullying and discrimination, people with disabilities are given an opportunity to contribute fully to their community, and that individuals, families, and cultural groups are respected.

The objective of events like the one at WGSS is to increase partner groups and get the word out about respect, inclusion, and equality out to children and youth.

At CVS, the message of diversity with dignity is at the core of what we do everyday. We are committed to build inclusive communities where people belong and have opportunities to contribute. We support initiatives like the one at WGSS as it demonstrates that we are all working towards a shared vision of what our inclusive communities can look like in the future.