CVS 2017 Annual General Meeting – June 26


Our 2017 Annual General Meeting will be held on June 26th @ 4:00 PM at 2322 St. Johns Street. We have attached a CVS Membership Form if you wish to become a member of CVS. The cost is only $5. We are interested in growing our membership base to make a stronger and more resilient CVS. Members are able to participate in our AGM and other events.


The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting is as follows:

  1.             Welcome and Introductions
  2.             Approval of the Minutes of Annual General Meeting June 28, 2016
  3.             Auditors Report
  4.            Appointment of Auditors for Fiscal Year 2017 / 2018
  5.            Nominations Report
  6.            Election of Directors
  7.            Appointment of Signing Officers of the Society
  8.            Set Membership fee for the coming year.
  9.           Special Resolution – Updating of Bylaws to conform to the Society\’s Act.
  10.           Executive Director’s Report
  11.           Program Reports
  12. Adjournment and Refreshments followed by a brief regular Board Meeting